Unabridged You

Nikki Umbers: Grief as an Alchemist and Overcoming Imposter Syndrome

Julie Hest Season 2 Episode 5

In this episode Nikki shares her story which was sparked by grief.  Nikki speaks of her Dad passing and how this deeply affected and effects her, how it lead to her being broken down and busted open.  An experience she can now look at with gratitude as it prompted her to explore her beliefs, stories and energies.  All of this lead to Nikki to begin to comprehend Grief as an alchemist which has helped her understand herself better; why she was showing up in the world in the way she was and how she would like to show up going forwards. Unraveling or unfurling these beliefs, stories and energies, slowly but surely also allowed her to alter her experience of imposter syndrome.

Nikki and I talk about creating something, planting a seed, showing up how we want to be in the world and recognizing that the way the created thing, the experience, the seed is taken and nurtured or not by another person is up to the perspective of that person.  You worth or value is not tied up in their perspective and in that way, it becomes even more precious to explore the way you want to be in the world. I quoted the Eagles "don’t let the  sound of your own wheels drive you crazy", be at peace with your actions and the choices you make for yourself without waiting for validation.   

I hope you get something out of this conversation, I certainly did.  Each of these episodes teaches me something and opens my eyes to another way to view the world.

If you think Nikki might be a person to help you on your journey through grief or connecting with your self you can find her here:

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